If you’re interested in some Thanksgiving trivia to share with your friends and family – trademark style – read on. I thought it would be fun to explore some famous branded food items we often seen around a typical American holiday table. Any guess as to which brand is the oldest? I’ll admit even I was surprised. Let’s have some …
The Consequences of Skipping a Trademark Search
In the bustling world of business, where ideas evolve into brands and creativity fuels success, trademarks stand as the guardians of company’s identity and reputation. A trademark is more than just a symbol; it embodies the essence of your client’s business, representing its core values and brand promises. However, many entrepreneurs, in their rush to choose a trademark, often overlook …
CAFC Reverses Chutter: Rules Incontestability Declaration Does Not Maintain Registration
On October 18, 2023, nearly two years after the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board ruled in Chutter that reckless disregard satisfied the requisite intent for fraud at the USPTO in trademark matters, the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (“CAFC”) in a precedential split decision (Great Concepts, LLC v Chutter, Inc., 2023 USPQ2d XXXX (Fed. Cir. 2023)) reversed the …
Back-to-School Season Insights for Law Firm Owners
If you’re anything like me, you believe that September is an opportunity for a second reset during the year! As summer fades and the days grow shorter, the back-to-school season emerges with a sense of renewed purpose and anticipation. This annual ritual of students returning to their classrooms can also offer valuable insights for law firm owners like you to …
Protecting the Mission: Trademark Protection For Nonprofit Lawyers
As a nonprofit lawyer, understanding trademark protection is essential for effectively representing any mission-based organization in today’s marketplace. Every business is becoming more aware of the benefits of branding on its business, and the nonprofit and tax-exempt organization is no exception. Trademark protection is an area of intellectual property law that enables nonprofits to protect their names, logos, and slogans …
Trademark Training is Important for Your Practice
As lawyers we all know the importance of keeping our licenses current, but what we hate are all the boring continuing legal education webinars (CLE) we must endure to renew or bar cards. Often, these sessions are boring and irrelevant to our practice areas, so many of us feel it’s nothing more than checking a box. Truth be told, we, …